How To Install Broadcom Wl Driver

Installing Broadcom Wireless Drivers

How do I use Broadcom wireless cards in Fedora version 19/20. Fedora Linux provides a version of this driver via rpmfusion repo. All you ve to do is configure.

RPMs for the Broadcom 802.11 STA Wireless Driver are now available from the repos for Fedora 8, 9 and 10.

This is an official-release of Broadcom s IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n hybrid Linux device driver for use with Broadcom s BCM4311-, BCM4312-, BCM4321-, and BCM4322-based hardware. This driver also supports the incorrectly identified BCM4328 chipset which is actually a BCM4321 or BCM4322 chipset.

Previously I explained how to build the Broadcom STA driver from source but now the installation and updates can all be taken care of using yum and the rpmfusion non-free repository. Just follow these two simple steps:

1 Enable the rpmfusion non-free repository.

The broadcom-wl and wl-kmod RPMs that we need are in the rpmfusion non-free repository which also requires the rpmfusion free repository. To enable these repos in Fedora simply do this:

su -c rpm -Uvh

2 Update and install the driver package

Now that you have the appropriate repository enabled, to install the driver package we first ensure that we have the latest updates and then install the broadcom-wl package which will bring with it the required kmod-wl package:

su -

yum update

yum install broadcom-wl

3 Make a couple of adjustments

At this stage you should reboot and provided you have Network Manager running default setting for F10 it should detect your Broadcom wireless device and you should be able to connect to your wireless network.

If you re having problems then it is likely some conflict between Network Manager and the network service. To ensure that Network Manager can use the wireless go to System Administration Network and select the wireless device if it s not there then this doesn t apply to you. Edit the device and check Controlled by Network Manager and Activate device when computer starts. Close Network Configuration, save changes and then reboot.

You should also read the license and readme which are located in /usr/share/doc/broadcom-wl-

4 Enjoy your wireless.

That s all there is to it. At this stage you may need to reboot if you didn t already in order to enable the new driver and any new kernel that was installed during the update.

When future kernels are released a simple yum update command should install the new kernel and also pull in the updated Broadcom driver for that new kernel.

how to install broadcom wl driver

// broadcom-wl: Description: Broadcom 802.11abgn hybrid Linux networking device driver.

Conflicts with the wl driver 545388, broadcom-sta-common/README.Debian. b44, b43, install wl /bin/true. The driver should load upon reboot.

RPM installation of Broadcom 802.11 STA wireless driver in Fedora 8/9/10

how to install broadcom wl driver

Oct 28, 2015  are operable on the computer s Broadcom wireless network device, An Internet connection is the ideal way to install the broadcom-wl driver;.

RPMs for the Broadcom 802.11 STA Wireless Driver are now available from the repos for Fedora 8, su - yum update yum install broadcom-wl. 3.

how to install broadcom wl driver

What are the steps to install Broadcom wireless driv Ubuntu; Community; Ask. Developer; Design; How to get/install/activate a Broadcom 4312 wl driver in.

This answer is based on an extensive research done by various Ubuntu users that worked together in almost all issues related to Broadcom. Special thanks to chili555 who helped in the Ubuntu forums and on this site with many questions related to Wireless devices and to others who have contributed through E-Mail, chats, IRC and more in testing various drivers with several of the most popular Broadcom Wireless cards Huge Thanks to Chili555 really. This guy knows his stuff.

In total we wanted to offer an answer that could be easy to follow and covered most Broadcom Cards / Drivers. After you follow this guide, you will NEED to test your wireless connection for at least 2 hours I actually recommend 8 hours with another device in either Ad-Hoc Mode, Infrastructure Mode or Both. Common problems that will be solved Apart from drivers not installing are:

Connections timeout after several minutes or hours

Stops searching for other devices Does not see any other device

Keeps asking for password even on cases where AP does not have any

Stops any receiving/transmitting traffic Needs reboot to temporarily fix

Crashes system with dmesg errors in log Link 1 Below

System freezes completely You can only press Reboot/Power button Link 1 Below

Creates huge log reports trying to correctly configure or connect

Fails when installed via Additional Drivers / Additional Hardware Link 3 Below

Connects and disconnects continuously every X amount of seconds

Appears connected on Network Manager but does not receive Internet

Tries to connect many times without correctly finishing connection

Takes too long to connect

After upgrading from a previous version eg: 12.04 to 12.10 it stops working

Wireless card does not turn on, enable or disable Link 2 Below

Wireless card blocked by hardware

More problems found in Launchpad, Ubuntu Forum and Askubuntu

Link 1 - source/linux/ bug/1060268

Link 2 - source/bcmwl/ bug/732677

Link 3 - Gives an error similar to Sorry, installation of this driver failed.

So with that in mind, the following is what we have right now which is simplified in just 3 steps:

1. Knowing what Broadcom Wireless Card you have

There are dozens of Broadcom wireless cards and more seem to appear every day. The key to finding the correct driver for any network card is what is known as the PCI ID PCI.ID. To find out which PCI.ID you have, we proceed to opening the terminal by pressing CTRL ALT T It should open a window with a blank background and inside this terminal we run the following command:

lspci -nn -d 14e4:

You will get something like the following if you have a Broadcom Wireless Adapter The ID 14e4 used in the example above in most cases is a Broadcom Wireless Card :

Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11bgn Wireless Network Adapter 14e20 rev 03

The PCI.ID in this example is 14e20 as seen inside the Brackets . In some cases you will also need the revision version if it appears for some special cases. In this case, the revision version is rev 03 as shown inside the Parentheses at the end. So what you will need after this search is:

14e20 rev 03

With this new information you can look in the table below and select the appropriate method to install your driver. For example, In this case, since you have the 14e20 rev 03, if we go down the list to the one that shows the exact same PCI.ID you will see that in the columns for Ubuntu 12.04, 13.10 or 14.04 it shows the linux-firmware-nonfree package driver. This means that you will only have to install this particular package since it appears in all Ubuntu version columns.

NOTE - Before proceeding, if you have previously installed any drivers, have blacklisted or uncommented any driver files or configuration files or have done any changes whatsoever to the system to make the drivers work in previous attempts, you will need to undo them in order to follow this guide. We assume you are doing this from scratch and have not changed any configuration files, modules or drivers in the system in any way apart from updating the system. This includes any installations using apt-get, aptitude, synaptic, dpkg, software center or manual compilation and installation of the packages. The system has to start from scratch in order for this to work and to avoid any conflicts that may appear if earlier work was done.

For example, if you have previously installed the bcmwl-kernel-source package, you will need to remove it by using the purge method:

sudo apt-get purge bcmwl-kernel-source

2. Preparing the System

If you have just installed Ubuntu, you will need to build an index of available packages before we can install your driver if you have not done so already:

sudo apt-get update

I would even go so further as to update the Ubuntu list of PCI.IDs:

sudo update-pciids

Just in case the ID of a particular new Broadcom Device you are using has just appeared.

Now using the PCI.ID you found in the steps above, we then search in the list below to find the matching PCI.ID and the method to install the driver associated with it in a simple and correct way. The terminal will be used to avoid any GUI related issues. This applies with all cases, except as noted. The installation procedure is done only via terminal and also while connected to the internet with a temporary wired ethernet connection or USB modem or any means possible that can give your PC, for the time, Internet access. After you find in the list below the correct package we then proceed with the installation.

3. Installing the Package

Assuming you used the PCI.ID 14e20 rev 03 as found in your search above, and then looked at the table below and found that the correct package to install is the linux-firmware-nonfree, we then proceed to simply install this package in the terminal:

sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree

and then reboot

sudo reboot

The format to install is pretty simple, it s just:

sudo apt-get install

In the example above, the PACKAGE_NAME is linux-firmware-nonfree.

BROADCOM WIRELESS TABLE Updated 21 February 2015

PCI.ID 12.04 LTS 14.04


14e76 Special Case 1 Special Case 1

14e01 firmware-b43legacy-installer firmware-b43-installer

14e06 firmware-b43legacy-installer firmware-b43-installer

14e06 rev 02 firmware-b43legacy-installer firmware-b43-installer

14e06 rev 03 linux-firmware-nonfree firmware-b43-installer

14e07 linux-firmware-nonfree firmware-b43-installer

14e11 linux-firmware-nonfree firmware-b43-installer

14e12 linux-firmware-nonfree firmware-b43-installer

14e13 linux-firmware-nonfree firmware-b43-installer

14e15 firmware-b43-lpphy-installer firmware-b43-installer

14e15 rev 01 firmware-b43-installer firmware-b43-installer / Case 4

14e18 linux-firmware-nonfree firmware-b43-installer

14e18 rev 02 firmware-b43-installer firmware-b43-installer

14e19 linux-firmware-nonfree firmware-b43-installer

14e20 rev 02 firmware-b43legacy-installer firmware-b43-installer

14e20 rev 03 linux-firmware-nonfree firmware-b43-installer

14e24 linux-firmware-nonfree firmware-b43-installer

14e25 firmware-b43legacy-installer firmware-b43-installer

14e28 bcmwl-kernel-source firmware-b43-installer

14e29 bcmwl-kernel-source bcmwl-kernel-source

14e2a bcmwl-kernel-source bcmwl-kernel-source

14e2b bcmwl-kernel-source bcmwl-kernel-source

14e2c bcmwl-kernel-source bcmwl-kernel-source

14e2d bcmwl-kernel-source bcmwl-kernel-source

14e31 linux-firmware-nonfree firmware-b43-installer

14e35 UNKNOWN firmware-b43-installer

14e53 Special Case 1 Special Case 1

14e57 Special Case 1 Special Case 1

14e58 bcmwl-kernel-source bcmwl-kernel-source

14e59 bcmwl-kernel-source bcmwl-kernel-source

14e65 Special Case 2 bcmwl-kernel-source

14e65 rev 01 Special Case 2 bcmwl-kernel-source

14ea0 UNKNOWN bcmwl-kernel-source

14e27 Special Case 3 Special Case 1

14e4:a962 UNKNOWN firmware-b43-installer

Special Case 1 - Uses bcma and brcmsmac driver combination. Required firmware is installed by default in the package linux-firmware.

Special Case 2 - Probably only working in 64-bit only for versions older than 14.04. Some cases need to install the linux-firmware-nonfree and bcmwl-kernel-source packages, then proceed to reboot.

Special Case 3 - Use brcmwl-kernel-source for kernel versions less than 3.8. To check for Kernel version open the terminal and type: uname -r. For kernel versions 3.8 and later, use brcmsmac.

Special Case 4 - In hardware like the Lenovo S10-2, if your wireless card gets stuck trying to connect to an SSID keeps trying to connect, then the alternative to get it working would be to install the brcmwl-kernel-source package Remove any other installed packages related to it. Read the Debugging section below for more information regarding this wireless device.

IMPORTANT NOTE - After September 2014, if you follow this answer and still you have problems installing the correct driver, please try the firmware-b43-installer package. There were some changes and some drivers will only work with this package. Remember to have a clean system before installing it:

sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer

In some particular cases, after installing the firmware-b43-installer you need to remove the b43 module, enable it again and even proceed to unblock with rfkill:

sudo modprobe -r b43

sudo modprobe b43

sudo rfkill unblock all

If you have a Broadcom card that has a different, please ask a new question. Once solved, the solution will be added to this howto.


The following information is additional material to read about solving various issues related to Wireless Management and conflicts with other Network devices. Know that it some cases you need to have an updated Kernel version, since each new version of the Kernel introduces either new Network drivers, improvements over existing drivers or solves bugs regarding them.

To configure your wireless devices through the terminal I recommend How to connect and disconnect to a network manually in terminal.

If your connection drops every so often some users have suggested to set IPv6 to Ignore. Just go to Network Manager The network icon on the top panel. Click on it then select Edit Settings. Then go to the Wireless connection you are using, select it. Now go to the last Tab in there that mentions IPv6 Settings. In the Method field select Ignore.

If your laptop does not detect your wireless card some users have mentioned that using rfkill unblock all will solve the problem. Others simply turned the WiFi switch on their laptops off and then on again Physical switch available on this laptops. For more information about rfkill please read rf kill unblock all DOES NOT WORK.

If you are getting b43-phy0 ERROR: Fatal DMA error / b43-phy0 warning: Forced PIO do the following:

sudo rmmod b43

sudo modprobe b43 pio 0 qos 0

If it works then add it to you RC files so it is executed every time you boot. You can change PIO to 1 if you need to it.

If your wireless card see/not see the router and gets stuck in an endless Trying to connect Try 1/3 loop the solution might be proper configuration of your router or wireless SSID device.

For all Wireless cards in general, it is very important to also take into consideration the network devices you are using Routers, Switches, Wireless Channels and Wireless Bands, etc... With this information you will be able to evaluate better what the source of the problem could be when you arrive at a dead end. An example would be the Lenovo S10-2 which uses the 14e15 rev 01 PCIID. Even after installing the correct driver the user would end up in a trying to connect loop. It would see the wireless SSID but when trying to connect to it, it would enter an reconnecting loop.

The solution was that this particular wireless device did not support 40 Mhz channels nor does it support 802.11N. The router in that case was actually broadcasting with a forced 40 Mhz and on WiFi-N only. When the router was set to Auto mode and 20/40 Mhz Channel, the wireless card worked correctly. This is a case scenario that also repeats in other cases, so a proper evaluation of the network equipment would help a lot.

After several hours of trial and error I finally found a solution for Debian Wheezy testing . . - I think it should work similar on other distributions too. The main problem was the driver brcm80211 provided by package firmware-brcm80211 - now I use the driver wl provided by the package broadcom-sta-dkms and everything works.



deb wheezy main contrib non-free


then do

apt-get update

afterwards do

apt-get install broadcom-sta-dkms

now unload conflicting modules

modprobe -r b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcmsmac

please note: your existing WLAN connection will terminate doing this.

load wl module with

modprobe wl

verify your WLAN chip is working:


configure your WLAN interface as usual - finished. :


how to install broadcom wl driver how to install broadcom wl driver

Jun 15, 2014  How can I install Broadcom-wl STA BCM4322 Wireless driver on a Fedora Linux version 20. Broadcom s IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n driver can be installed on.