Genuine Activation Windows 7 Ultimate

Jun 10, 2014  How to Extend your windows validation period up to 200, A regedit trick, Force validation, windows activation tips First time genuine activation : https.

genuine activation windows 7 ultimate

Mar 14, 2015  Know how to activate windows 7 all version Home Premium, Professional and Ultimate to make it genuine. 100 free fully genuine product. Pure Genuine.

genuine activation windows 7 ultimate genuine activation windows 7 ultimate

Diagnostic Report 1.9.0027.0 :


Windows Validation Data--

Validation Code: 0

Cached Online Validation Code: 0x0

Windows Product Key: - -HT68J-DK926-47VJT

Windows Product Key Hash: ICnDxUS7idSWCizqceMeQusJocw

Windows Product ID: 00426-069-5201321-86521

Windows Product ID Type: 5

Windows License Type: Retail

Windows OS version: 6.1.7600.2.00010100.0.0.001

ID: 1364A67A-FF77-4956-BBD4-0C246B9C8281 1

Is Admin: Yes

TestCab: 0x0

LegitcheckControl ActiveX: N/A, hr 0x80070002

Signed By: N/A, hr 0x80070002

Product Name: Windows 7 Ultimate

Architecture: 0x00000009

Build lab: 7600.win7_gdr.120830-0334

TTS Error: 

Validation Diagnostic: 

Resolution Status: N/A

Vista WgaER Data--

ThreatID s : N/A, hr 0x80070002

Version: N/A, hr 0x80070002

Windows XP Notifications Data--

Cached Result: N/A, hr 0x80070002

File Exists: No

WgaTray.exe Signed By: N/A, hr 0x80070002

WgaLogon.dll Signed By: N/A, hr 0x80070002

OGA Notifications Data--

OGAExec.exe Signed By: N/A, hr 0x80070002

OGAAddin.dll Signed By: N/A, hr 0x80070002

OGA Data--

Office Status: 100 Genuine

Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003 - 100 Genuine

OGA Version: N/A, 0x80070002

Office Diagnostics: 025D1FF3-364-80041010_025D1FF3-229-80041010_025D1FF3-230-1_025D1FF3-517-80040154_025D1FF3-237-80040154_025D1FF3-238-2_025D1FF3-244-80070002_025D1FF3-258-3_E2AD56EA-765-d003_E2AD56EA-766-0_E2AD56EA-134-80004005

Browser Data--

Proxy settings: N/A

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 compatible; MSIE 8.0; Win32

Default Browser: C: Program Files x86 Google Chrome Application chrome.exe

Download signed ActiveX controls: Prompt

Download unsigned ActiveX controls: Disabled

Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Allowed

Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe: Disabled

Allow scripting of Internet Explorer Webbrowser control: Disabled

Active scripting: Allowed

Script ActiveX controls marked as safe for scripting: Allowed

File Scan Data--

Other data--

Office Details: 1364A67A-FF77-4956-BBD4-0C246B9C8281 1.9.0027.06.1.7600.2.00010100.0.0.001x64 - - - -47VJT00426-069-5201321-865215S-1-5-21-1982583944-3790890450-133476163MSIMS-7788American

Megatrends Inc.V2.320120118000000.000000 000A4BA3607018400FE08090409GMT Standard Time GMT 03100 Product

GUID 90110409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9 100Microsoft Office Professional Edition 20031186D917FC1F81500cPHlnVJpXknsDw1NmgUILMAsbog 73931-640-4339835-5797614 App

Id 15 Version 11 Result 100 / App Id 44 Version 11

Result 100 /  

Spsys.log Content: 0x80070002

Licensing Data--

Software licensing service version: 6.1.7600.16385

Name: Windows R 7, Ultimate edition

Description: Windows Operating System - Windows R 7, RETAIL channel

Activation ID: a0cde89c-3304-4157-b61c-c8ad785d1fad

Application ID: 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f

Extended PID: 00426-00172-069-520132-00-2057-7600.0000-0232013

Installation ID: 002473728170645465316592691843809186722903050922085690

Processor Certificate URL: 88338

Machine Certificate URL: 88339

Use License URL: 88341

Product Key Certificate URL: 88340

Partial Product Key: 47VJT

License Status: Initial grace period

Time remaining: 38700 minute s 26 day s

Remaining Windows rearm count: 3

Trusted time: 23/01/2013 :19

Windows Activation Technologies--

HrOffline: 0x00000000

HrOnline: 0x00000000

HealthStatus: 0x0000000000000000

Event Time Stamp: :2013

ActiveX: Registered, Version: 7.1.7600.16395

Admin Service: Registered, Version: 7.1.7600.16395

HealthStatus Bitmask Output:

HWID Data--


OEM Activation 1.0 Data--


OEM Activation 2.0 Data--

BIOS valid for OA 2.0: yes, but no SLIC table

Windows marker version: N/A

OEMID and OEMTableID Consistent: N/A

BIOS Information: 

  ACPI Table NameOEMID ValueOEMTableID Value






Cached Online Validation Code: N/A, hr 0xc004f012

Windows Product Key: - -X92GV-V7DCV-P4K27

Windows Product Key Hash: aU2z1/fnhnLHmhBm699qYZT2E6s

Windows Product ID: 00426-OEM-8992662-00400

Windows Product ID Type: 2

Windows License Type: OEM SLP

ID: 0CEC60A2-F389-4EBC-8B88-450460B9D173 1

Architecture: 0x00000000

Build lab: 7600.win7_rtm.090713-1255

Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 - 100 Genuine

Default Browser: C: Users alwaseli AppData Local Google Chrome Application chrome.exe

File Mismatch: C: Windows system32 wat watadminsvc.exe Hr 0x80070003

File Mismatch: C: Windows system32 wat npwatweb.dll Hr 0x80070003

File Mismatch: C: Windows system32 wat watux.exe Hr 0x80070003

File Mismatch: C: Windows system32 wat watweb.dll Hr 0x80070003

Office Details: 0CEC60A2-F389-4EBC-8B88-450460B9D173 1.9.0027.06.1.7600.2.00010100.0.0.001x32 - - - -P4K2700426-OEM-8992662-004002S-1-5-21-193909257-2959007884-2897952551Hewlett-PackardHP

Compaq 6530b NL355UC ABA Hewlett-Packard68PDD Ver. F.2020111207000000.000000 0003FB93607018400F804090409Egypt

Standard Time GMT 03HPQOEMSLIC-MPC100 Product

GUID 90120000-0030-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE 100Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007127480B9502DF0D86oYWOW5ayFE3pZ jvTpuXYsY64JE 89388-707-8722531-6552314 App

Id 15 Version 12 Result 100 / App Id 44 Version 12

Description: Windows Operating System - Windows R 7, OEM_SLP channel

Activation ID: 7cfd4696-69a9-4af7-af36-ff3d12b6b6c8

Extended PID: 00426-00178-926-600400-02-1033-7600.0000-2702013

Installation ID: 010724400934829376069985482311048462649520756382402871

Partial Product Key: P4K27

Time remaining: 42900 minute s 29 day s

Trusted time: 9/28/2013 :00 AM

HrOnline: N/A

Event Time Stamp: N/A

ActiveX: Not Registered - 0x80040154

Admin Service: Not Registered - 0x80040154


BIOS valid for OA 2.0: yes

Windows marker version: 0x20001

OEMID and OEMTableID Consistent: yes









where did you get your windows.

To properly analyze and solve problems with Activation and Validation, we need to see a full copy of the diagnostic report produced by the MGADiag tool download and save to desktop -


Once downloaded, run the tool.

Click on the Continue button, after a short time, the Continue button will change to a Copy button.

Click on the Copy button in the tool ignore any error messages at this point, and then paste using either r-click/Paste, or Ctrl V into your post. please do not edit the report.

Hi, I read your answer for a question that is relevant to my problem. 

My Windows 7 Ultimate Edition is downloaded from a Microsoft website as an upgrade with a key that I purchased.  I activate it and the key works until today, September the 2nd.  It has been working fine for more than two months.

Here is the copy of Microsoft Genuine Advantage Diag Tool test result.  Hoping for your assistance with this problem.  Thank you very much.

Validation Code: 50

Windows Product Key: - -CWC3M-76QVX-442KY

Windows Product Key Hash: 2iQ5yDi5HtKFDTLXo7FMFk89x/8

Windows Product ID: 00426-383-3471042-06965

Windows OS version: 6.1.7601.2.00010100.1.0.001

ID: 7C512662-1024-4A03-B95C-37FF514A217A 1

Build lab: 7601.win7sp1_gdr.140303-2144

TTS Error:

Validation Diagnostic:

Office Status: 109 N/A

Office Diagnostics: 025D1FF3-364-80041010_025D1FF3-229-80041010_025D1FF3-230-1_025D1FF3-517-80040154_025D1FF3-237-80040154_025D1FF3-238-2_025D1FF3-244-80070002_025D1FF3-258-3

Default Browser: C: Program Files Internet Explorer iexplore.exe

Office Details: 7C512662-1024-4A03-B95C-37FF514A217A 1.9.0027.06.1.7601.2.00010100.1.0.001x32 - - - -442KY00426-383-3471042-069655S-1-5-21-3617192868-3127507017-3948951837Dell

Computer CorporationInspiron 5150                   Dell Computer CorporationA3820041210000000.000000 000CEBD3F07018400E204090409Eastern

Standard Time GMT- 03109 

Software licensing service version: 6.1.7601.17514

Activation ID: c619d61c-c2f2-40c3-ab3f-c5924314b0f3

Extended PID: 00426-00212-383-347104-00-1033-7601.0000-2452014

Installation ID: 006091128903914665237942661410657141460232226224700456

Partial Product Key: 442KY

License Status: Notification

Notification Reason: 0xC004F009 grace time expired.

Trusted time: 9/2/2014 :05 PM

HrOnline: 0xC004C532

Event Time Stamp: 9:14


BIOS Information:

  ACPI Table Name OEMID Value OEMTableID Value

  APIC   DELL    CPi R 

  FACP   DELL    CPi R 


Windows 7 Ultimate - Activation

In Windows 7 forums, I see many posts from Windows 7 users who complain about This copy of Windows 7 is not genuine warnings and pop up on their PC.

It does not matter the Windows 7 edition of the related operating system. It might be either Windows 7 Ultimate or Windows 7 Home edition, or others.

Windows users want to remove Windows 7 This copy of Windows is not genuine warning messages from their computers on wallpaper or on desktop screen of their PCs.

The warning This copy of Windows 7 is not genuine means basically that you don t own a real registered Windows 7 operating system.

You might probably installed your Windows 7 operating system from setup images that are free available from common download sites.

Or you might be still using free Windows 7 download for trial purposes after the trial period has long ago ended.

One other reason can be that your Windows 7 product key can be stolen and has been released to public available sites for general usage.

What you can do to get rid of This copy of Windows 7 is not genuine warning and claim that you have a clean your own copy of Windows 7 bought from legal ways.

Here is a list of actions you can take that I will suggest Windows 7 users having trouble with this Windows 7 activation issue.

Trying once more your Windows 7 Product Key.

Using MGA Diagnostic Tool to resolve the problem.

Activate Windows 7 using Phone. Get help from support person on the phone if required.

Solutions for This copy of Windows 7 is not genuine problem

Activate Windows 7 by Phone

The basic solution that you might apply after re-typing your product key can be trying to activate Windows 7 on phone.

You can activate Windows 7 Activation wizard by running slui.exe 4 on the RUN command. slui.exe is Windows Activation Client program.

Then activate Windows 7 by phone by following the instructions guiding you on the Windows 7 Activation wizard screens.

Please refer to How To Activate Windows 7 by Phone Step-by-Step Guide for details on Windows 7 activation using phone.

You can also connect to a real support person on the phone if you can not activate Windows 7 activation by phone method.

Validate your Product Key once more

Try once more to type the Windows 7 product key that you own and claim your genuine Windows 7 setup.

If this simple solution works successfully to resolve the Windows activation problem, you will not have to deal with other works.

It is very common to mistype the long meaningless letters and numbers in the product key input area. So being sure that you type the correct Windows 7 product key in the activation screen will let you go one step further in the solution of This copy of Windows 7 is not genuine problem.

MGA Diagnostic Tool

Using MGA Diagnostic Tool can help Windows 7 users to resolve this genuine problem.

First install MGA Diagnostic Tool.

Then launch MGA Diagnostic Tool.

Press Resolve button under the Windows tab.

Note that Windows 7 users might require to reboot their PC s to complete the process.

Windows 7 build 7600 genuine product key and activation key 22TKD-F8XX6-YG69F-9M66D-PMJBM 00426-OEM-8992662-00006 BCGX7-P3XWP-PPPCV-Q2H7C-FCGFR.

Windows 7 activator ultimate x32 bit and x64 bit genuine activator software free downloads. Ultimate version is one of the best windows 7 version for personal use.

genuine activation windows 7 ultimate

Windows 7 Activation - This copy of Windows 7 is not genuine. In Windows 7 forums, I see many posts from Windows 7 users who complain about This copy of Windows 7.

Windows 7 Activation - This copy of Windows 7 is not genuine

Image: Genuine Windows 7 Ultimate For PC Offering the needs of both frequent clients and IT professionals, the OS comes in several options, which broad variety.


Recommended Reading: Download Microsoft Windows 8 Product Key Beta, No Crack Required. Windows 7 To Be Release This Coming October. For once, the release date is.